Wednesday, November 21, 2007

YDS event a SUCCESS!!

YDS's first event, featuring racial justice staff attorney Mark Fancher of the Michigan ACLU was nothing short of SUCCESS!

Mr. Fancher's topic of the night was Racial Justice in the 21st Century: What social implications the Jena 6 holds for the future of the United States.

Throughout the course of the night over thirty YDS members and guests attended the event.

Following the lecture, attendees engaged in a Q & A session that lasted over an hour.

Mr. Fancher answered questions pertaining to how the Jena 6 case is progressing, white activism and it's place in the Black Liberation Struggle, structural/institutionalized racism, specifically the high incarceration rate for people of color in the US, and his views on Pan-Africanism and the possibility of a "United States of Socialist Africa." He also spoke about what the ACLU of Michigan is doing along with other states to combat MCRI, or Proposal 2 at the federal level.

Overall, the course of the night went smoothly. We are very proud to have brought in such an active and engaged crowd, one that was truly excited about learning about racial justice and progressing Democratic Socialist values. YDS looks forward to brining more speakers to campus, and soon! Thank you to all that attended. To all those who didn't-- you truly missed out on an awesome talk.

A special thanks goes out to Mitch Goldsmith, the Speaker's Committee, and the Ministry of Information for contacting Mark Fancher, making room reservations, and creating fliers for the event! YDS couldn't have done this without your combined efforts!

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