Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rouge members of California group may cause bad local image--


ORANGE COUNTY, California (CNN) -- Radical Hispanic separatist organization MEChA ("Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan") is taking responsibility for setting the wildfires in California, confimed Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

California officials received a letter earlier today containing photographs of individuals holding Molotov cocktails, then throwing them into dry brush. The faces of the individuals appeared to have been digitally distorted.

Also included was a rambling manifesto, stating that the reason for the act of arson was that "Aztlán belongs to indigenous people, the Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán. We are sovereign and not subject to a foreign culture."

Orange County Fire Battalion Chief Kris Concepcion told CNN that the pattern of wildfires definitely indicates arson.

"The reason we think it is [arson] is because we found multiple points of origin," Concepcion said. "... Our investigators have confirmed that this is, in fact, arson."

Concepcion said evidence indicated the arsonists wanted the fire to grow rapidly.

A $70,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to the arrest of those responsible for setting the fire. No suspects have been identified, though they are probably brown.

The state established a toll-free arson tip line at 800-540-7085. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said anyone convicted of arson would be dealt with harshly.

Concepcion said about 1,100 firefighters were working on controlling the blaze, which has destroyed at least 22 structures. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said the fire was only 30 percent contained Thursday morning after being 50 percent contained the day before.
Ok, first of all...what the HELL does this mean? "...No suspects have been identified, though they are probably brown." I'm sorry... but isn't that a tad RACIST? That wasn't even a quote by someone...that was part of the actual CNN report. Wow. Way to maintain ethical reporting, CNN.

After reading this, the only thing I can think of is how this will affect MSU's chapter of MECHa. I hope that other groups here at MSU will be mature and NOT compare MSU MECHa with the several rebellious people in California who claim responsibility for the fires under MECHa's name. I personally know some of the members of the local group, and I know they would not condone something as destructive as the actions of those in California.

What people need to realize is that you can't generalize a whole group because of the actions of a few renegade people who claim responsibility under one organization's name. It seems to be a hobby of the right on this campus to do so in order to rally public support, but I view it as uncalled for and extremely unfair. MECHa is NOT a violent group. Sure, some chapters may be a little be a bit louder or employ different protest tactics than others, but MECHa is generally NOT an advocate of destruction. For example, here's part of their mission statemment on their national website:

"Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) is a student organization that
promotes higher education, cultura, and historia.
MEChA was founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people.
We believe that political involvement and education is the avenue for change in our society."

That doesn't sound like a group that promotes the destructive and dangerous activity of the "MECHa" members in California. I'm pretty sure the national organization would be against the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars done in damage to people's homes, businesses, and not to mention the damage done to the land.

In short: MECHa does NOT equal reconquista.
Get it straight.

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